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Anti-aging treatments for beautiful hands
While we do everything we can to maintain or achieve a fresh, youthful appearance, our hands are often overlooked. As we age, the subcutaneous fat diminishes, making veins, tendons, and bones more visible. Just like your face, the skin on your hands is exposed to a lot of sun, often leading to the development of pigmentation. Additionally, the skin becomes thinner, less elastic, and drier, which can cause wrinkles. Fortunately, there are various treatments available to rejuvenate your hands. You can receive a free consultation to explore the options.
1. Restoring volume to the hands
Hand rejuvenation – Fillers
2. Treating pigmentation
Pigmentation on the backs of the hands can be effectively treated with a CO2 laser, Forever Young BBL, or SkinPen treatments. These procedures result in a more even and youthful-looking skin tone. Multiple treatments may be required, but the results are impressive. We can advise you on the best options and what you can expect during a free consultation. Together, we’ll determine which treatment is best suited for you.
Hand rejuvenation – Forever Young BBL
Hand rejuvenation – Skinpen
Hyaluronic Acid – 1.0 ml: € 400
Lipofilling: € 2000